Thinkfulbnb Vacation Rentals

mock website

a screenshot of the Thinkfulbnb website

This project was completed as part of Thinkful's full-stack engineering program. The site was built using HTML, CSS and Flexbox. A live version of the project can be found here

Thinkfulbnb is a mock website that displays a form in which users can search for travel accommodations, gives users ideas of various types of accommodations, and provides information on how one can become a host.

a photo of a girl sitting on a mountaintop, beach houses, a cabin in the woods, and a cat on a table a screenshot of the website including text describing how to become a host and a photo of a man at a check-in desk

For this project, media queries and Flexbox were used in order to make the website responsive to changes in browser size, as demonstrated below:

a screenshot of part of the website