Periodic Tables Reservation System

capstone project

a screenshot of the periodic tables site

This application is a full-stack capstone project completed as part of Thinkful's full-stack web development program. It was built using React.js, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Express.js, Knex, and PostgreSQL. A live version of this project can be found here.

This application allows a restaurant to manage reservations, including creating, editing, seating, and cancelling reservations. It provides the ability to find any reservation (regardless of the reservation status) by inputting the phone number associated with the reservation.

a screenshot of the search page of the website

To seat a reservation, the user can click on the "Seat" button which can be found on each unseated reservation on the Dashboard page. The user will be asked to select a table from the drop-down list. After clicking "Submit," the user will be returned to the Dashboard page. The reservation should now have a status of "seated." The table associated with the reservation will now have a status of "occupied" and will display a "Finish" button.

a screenshot of the dashboard page of the website

The user can fill out a form to create a new reservation. Submitting the form will take the user to the dashboard page for the date on which the reservation was booked.

a screenshot of the site page in which a user can fill out a form to make a reservation