Hi, I am Lucy Maneiro

full-stack developer

a picture of Lucy Maneiro smiling

What I do

Front-End Development

Proficient in HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and React.js. I also have experience with TypeScript and Bootstrap, and have implemented responsive designs using Flexbox.

Back-End Development

Experienced in implementing databases using PostgreSQL and developing APIs. Other skills include Express.js, Knex, and Node.js.

My Work My Resume

Who I am

Developer based out of Ozark, Missouri

While I am comfortable with full-stack development (and get a thrill from building a website from the ground, up), my first love is front-end development! I find myself having the most fun when building projects using React.js.

When I'm not busy building websites and advancing my skills, you can find me doing travel/portrait photography, mountain-biking, and spending time with my husband and dog.

Jane leaning against a bus

My work

A selection of my work